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An Act of Compassion
Malibu Towne

An Act of Compassion

As the North broke all records of heat this year, everyone was seen scampering indoors and ways to beat the heatwave. AC, coolers, cold water, cooling drinks, we humans have it all at our disposal but what about those who are bearing the brunt of the brutal weather and have nowhere to go? Many birds were seen dropping dead from heat and exhaustion while looking for water. Taking note of their plight, the RWA decided to place large cemented pots across parks, under the shade of trees and ensure that water is available to these precious beings at all times. 

As the beautiful accompanying pictures prove, our gesture was well received and much appreciated by the ones it was meant for. If you are reading this article, we urge you to please take similar measures in your gardens and balconies and save these lives that are no less precious than ours. You will be making Gods very happy by taking care of their voiceless children. Who knows, they might even show some mercy and bless us with rain instead of fire. 
