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Amritwani – Masti ki Toli!
Nirvana Country

Amritwani – Masti ki Toli!

In the morning of June 25th, BC 41 was buzzing with preparations to welcome the devotees. Fragrant dhoop sticks were carrying the incense to the surroundings sending a welcome message to all those who wanted to join. Any one Tuesday every month, generally, you will notice this fervour of the celebrations in Nirvana Country. This is the religious and spiritual group of Nirvana celebrating all the festivals together and conducting spirituals chantings, bhajans and Kirtans once a month. They call themselves “Amritwani Masti Ki Toli”. Anyone with spiritual and religious pulse is welcome here.

Nirvana Country doesn’t have a temple within the campus. So, a spiritual group of the elderly people was holding such gatherings of Amritvani path in the traditional way in their houses but the younger people were missing out on the fun-filled celebrations. An enthusiastic group of young women decided to fill this gap and created a spiritual group for the younger generation, “Amritvani- Masti Ki Toli”.

In 2018, we started small, with a simple 30-minute Amritvani puja. Over time, our group has grown significantly, now boasting 40-45 regular members. We’ve become a vibrant community, celebrating all the festivals together and organizing events at the community level like the ‘Ram Kathat’ that we organised during the Ayodhya’s Ram Lala Sthapana.

Our spiritual activities are complemented by our commitment to social service. We also conduct donation drives to help those in need in and around the community, bridging our spiritual practices with real-world impact.

This group has been active for several years now, and I hope it continues to thrive for generations to come. We wish that such initiatives will motivate our youth to embrace and carry forward our rich traditions.
