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Aiming for No. 1 Spotin Swachchta Sarwekshan
Sector 50 A-E

Aiming for No. 1 Spotin Swachchta Sarwekshan

Can Noida actually claim to be Swachch and plastic free?

Banega Swachh Noida — This slogan can be seen everywhere in Noida. Noida Authority is trying its best to make Noida No. 1 city of India in the coming Swachchta Sarwekshan. There are many schemes which are being implemented in various sectors especially the residential one. If we assume for a minute that all schemes are implemented fully in Noida, then it will definitely be number one. But in reality, it is not feasible to implement all the schemes with 100% success.

Let us see the situation in our neighbourhood only. Sector 50 is also facing many hindrances to implement such abhiyan. The glaring example is electricity failure for many hours due to breakdown of transformers as no safety or maintenance measures have been followed by the distribution company. The UPPCL is least bothered to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the citizens despite collecting huge revenue from Noida. The company has all the data of sanctioned load for each and every transformer and there is hardly any loss due to theft or other reasons. Why the UPPCL failed time and again to ensure power supply to the residents who pay the bills promptly and timely?

The mismanagement and corruption cannot be ruled out. Is Noida Authority not aware of all the mess or they are also hands in glove with UPPCL? The UP government is projecting Noida as its “Modern and Model” city with world-class infrastructure. Is it not a matter of concern to the UP Government and Noida Authority (NA), which is not able to direct UPPCL to pull up its socks and perform their duty as assigned under the agreement?

Another major issue that is seen but left unattended is – The construction and demolition (C&D) waste lying at various places in the sector and also in the central market. It blocks parking spaces and is seen falling off in the drain. NA has set up centre especially for C&D waste and notice boards in the sector display the information. The person getting renovation or construction done is not at all bothered and the RWA is least concern to pull them up for this.

Other major concerns in the sector are as follows: Drains are filled with garbage household and plastic waste. Drain is broken and covers missing or broken at many places. No regular cleaning/sweeping of roads and public dustbins. Bills pasted all over the sector including on the distribution box and signboards. Unauthorised cable and wires hanging all over the trees and electricity poles. Unauthorised parking of vehicles. Unauthorised venders in the sector. No footpath for pedestrians. No signage for speed limit and speed breakers. Dogs poop on every roadside. Misuse of Dustbins. Littering of public place and parks despite having garbage bins.

Yet we can be No. 1!! Read Pg 7
