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AIKGA September Monthly Meet
Green Park Main & Ext.

AIKGA September Monthly Meet

monthly meet of unit 8A of AIKGA was held on 5th September at Dasa raksha. It was hosted by Urmila Jain. Dr P K Pant was the guest speaker. Subjects were Rose care, pruning tips, Rose management, fertilizers etc. Besides rose, Dr Pant talked about winter crops and its organic management.

On my request doctor punk gave us a write a pointwise so that it gets absorbed in our mind and we can mingle the speech with points and utilise the Just for our garden. Since it is a long subject we may divided into two parts to do justice to our lesson. Rose can be covered in one go and the second half in the next news letter yet we will try for a commentating both parts to make it concise full stop doctor is a very popular because he tries to satisfy every months query and carries on till his suggestions tips advice are properly understood.

Original ji recited a poem written by her for Dr pant which must have made him happy he was presented a plant also Urmila is a generous hostess food ordered was sumpures and tasty she presented all the members with the small gift of notebook and pen nicely packaged. Dr punk was also presented a token gift meeting ended with a pleasant note thank you for being a good hostess thank you very much doctor pant for your help in reaching out tonight but interested members of kitchen garden with necessary knowledge to keep our gardens flowering.
