As usual the Green Park unit of the All India Kitchen Garden Association was held on the first Tuesday (2nd April 2024 )of the month. Meeting was hosted by Shakti Jain at Comely restaurant at Green Park. Guest speaker of the day was Dr Vaneet Singla.
Surprisingly Dr Vaneet chose to take us through a small workshop which he has had along with his colleague and friend Arpit in the profession. Subject of the workshop was ‘Can Do Age’ which means we can do things at any age. It needs the will power and desire of the person concerned and family. It brings positivity, good health and good living. If installed in seniors, it can change the panorama of life for them. Dr Vaneet believes that every age is a ‘can do age’. Aging is not a choice, aging well is. It should be or could be seen in three stages: a) Active living b) Engaged living and c) Informed living.
Lets understand what is active living? It is just not moving about in the house doing daily chores. It means physical activity or movement that are done with the goal of maintaining physical fitness and attaining overall well being. Its physiological effects are healthy lungs, healthy heart, healthy muscles and healthy metabolism. Physiological effects are enhancement of memory and thinking. It improves overall mental health and improves cognition in case of dementia. It does not stop here as the benefits are improvement of posture, reduces the chance of injury and falls. It delays aging and reduces the risk of developing arthritis. It improves immunity and overall quality of life. Increases positivity in you and you in turn become a source of inspiration for others.
Certain things to remember are :
Consult a specialist first in case of a particular condition or experiencing any pain.
Avoid the exercises if you start developing pain after exercising and get yourself checked.
Look out for your posture while doing the exercises.
Know when to stop.
Increase intensity gradually.
It is better to consult with an expert before starting any exercise.
ouple of general things to remember our:
Avoid sitting for long hours.
Workout for at least 15 to 20 minutes daily.
Go for morning walks everyday.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Try doing the exercises in a social circle.
Second part of our well being programme concentrated on ‘Engaged Living’. Please do not let seniors segregate themselves from social gathering, be it at home or outside. It will generate negative thoughts and they will also lose confidence in themselves which will lead to depression, loneliness and feeling of not being wanted.
Encourage them to have a group of their own age. With whom they can socialize, travel in the country or abroad. Day out for lunch or movie or even for sightseeing in the City too, there are places which we may not have been to or go for membership of clubs or institutions likeAIKGA, GLOW if possible. Developing hobbies like gardening, reading and writing. Enjoy the company of the idiot box. There is plenty to do. You have to encourage yourself to enjoy things and company and socializing. Zest for life is the most recommended medicine for seniors of all age. If spirituality interests you, go for bhajans lectures on Geeta, Upanishad and Vedas. It will transcend you to a world which makes you feel being a part of God almighty which gives serenity, pecace of mind and unending happiness. This will lead to better living. You can do it, age is no bar.
Last but not the least important age is that of Informed Living. A stage comes in everyone’s life when we take retirement from work, be it your own business or job. We are free from our responsibilities towards family. It will give us two options: sit at home doing nothing, twiddling your thumbs, getting irritated and making life miserable for self and others by interfering in everything in life. You will be shunned by family and friends for your fault finding habits. Only solution to the problem is your being well informed by reading newspaper books, magazines, radio, television, anything and everything that is interesting and knowledgeable. You will be a wanted person soon. Your stories and jokes involving yourself and your friends. Be available for your grandchildren and solve their queries. Be alert, be active, be helpful in your own way so that you are an asset for family, friends and society.
It was an interesting subject for all of us present and informal too. Most of the ladies responded well to the question-answer session. Meeting ended with a vote of thanks to Dr Vaneet who was appreciated for his handling of the most important subject for seniors like us. The environment of the place was good and so also the lunch. Thank you Shakti and thank you bhabhi ji for organizing a meeting with a difference. We went back with food for body and food for mind, all chewed and absorbed. Thank you.

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