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Gulmohar Park


AGM meeting of All India Kitchen Garden Association was held recently on 4th May 2024 at the Gulmohar Club with 115 members in attendance. Bela Gupta, Secretary welcomed all members and especially members of Meerut branch, who had come all the way to join the AGM. Secretary read out AGM minutes and report of 2023-24. She apprised every one of the successful training programme on Zoom. All India Kitchen Garden Association gives a certificate for training that no other institution gives. In Dec there was a seminar on Urban Gardening with four eminent Speakers. On March 2nd, 3rd 2024 we had our Annual Flower show. All India Kitchen Garden Association Unit-22 had made a very impressive central display on millets. Which was also our topic for the flower show. Prizes were given to members who had participated in “On The Spot” categories and for home gardens. Treasurer presented her report for Year 2023-24. President conveyed a message to the members that they should be punctual and give less importance to food and focus on learning, which is our main purpose. Meeting ended by celebrating Secretary’s birthday and refreshments were served.
