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Adoption Can Be A Viable Solution To Problem Of Stray Dogs
Sector 30, 31 & 36

Adoption Can Be A Viable Solution To Problem Of Stray Dogs

Every day we get the news of dog bites in our sector but when we try to find out a solution to this problem we find ourselves lost in the complexities of laws framed for the protection of animals from cruelty. Even approaching Noida Authority, Sometimes, also proves futile because it also feel helpless to take any permanent solution except to sterilize the dogs or pick up the sick and rabid for treatment and then again restore to their original habitat.

There is no dearth of dog lovers in and around our sector who have their daily routine to feed dogs either in their houses or on the streets which is no doubt a very noble act on their part to save these strays from hunger, but unintentionally they also create problems for the general public when these strays start biting to strangers, like maids , drivers, hawkers and visitors which becomes a great problem and compel people reacting to the act of dog lovers when the victims have to undergo trauma of pain and agony after dog bites.

In my personal opinion, the problem of stray dogs can be resolved at our own level if each of dog lovers adopt one stray dog and keep it leashed at their residence and take care of their general health also. I feel pleasure in mentioning one such dog lover in our B block who has adopted a stray dog and takes it out for morning and evening walks along with a scoop also to clear dog’s poop. I am sure that other dog lovers and feeders will also take a cue from this dog lover and start keeping one dog at their residence. I will also request our RWA to honor such dog lovers at the GBMs and issue them a certificate of ‘Noble Act of Kindness’ and a cash award also.
