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Abandoned Houses -A Headache for Police & RWA’s
Greater Kailash 1

Abandoned Houses -A Headache for Police & RWA’s

Every colony, every block has this problem. No easy solutions.In S block we had S-26, which was abandoned for almost twenty years & once we had carried a story, titled “A toilet worth 12 crores”, because it was in a dilapidated state with broken doors etc. and used by drivers & vendors as a toilet.

Thankfully, it has now been developed into a beautiful five storied property.

Now we have S- 8, a house, abandoned for quite many years.

A few years back, SBWS had got the rear entrance door repaired & had put a lock for safety of nearby senior residents.

Recently, the door was broken again & Mrs Kher, senior 86 yr old, living alone, was quite worried. She also heard some noises in the dead of the night, may be a perceived thought!

Any way, we took our beat officer ASI Parveen Kumar in the loop, got the door repaired & have put a new lock.

SBWS also got the gate in the rear back lane repaired at a substantial cost & have started putting a lock there too. All for the safety & mental peace of our sr. citizens.

If any reader can identify the owner of S-8, please inform SBWS.
