Aaryaveer Tangri, a nine-year-old with a heart of gold, celebrated his birthday in a unique and heartwarming way this year. Instead of lavish parties or extravagant gifts, he chose to spend his special day bringing joy to underprivileged children in New Delhi, India. To accomplish this, he collaborated with the Centre for Education and Health Research Organization (CEHRO India), a non-profit organization based in Delhi which is dedicated to supporting migrant children from Munirka Village and nearby slum areas. Aaryaveer, known for driving the initiative “Golden Wickets,” which aims to provide support and opportunities to those in need, decided to use his pocket money collected over the years to make a difference in the lives of others. With his savings, he distributed not only food and cake but also contributed essential sports equipment and stationery supplies to underprivileged children who have displayed an interest in activities such as cricket, badminton, and drawing providing the children with opportunities for recreation and play. On his birthday, he gathered with children who, like him, celebrate their birthdays in April. Together, they cut a cake and enjoyed each other’s company. Following the celebration, Aaryaveer along with his Dad and Uncle organized a friendly cricket game, giving the children a chance to play and have fun. He spent his day engaging with the children, sharing stories from his own life and listening to theirs. When his parents asked him about his birthday, he couldn’t stop smiling! and said TI was the best birthday ever! I had so much fill and felt really happy seeing how happy the other kids were because of the things! did for them. It made my heartfiel really happy to see those smiles on thefaces of kids who needed iv” Aaryaveer Tangri’s selfless and compassionate gesture serves as a reminder that even small actions can make a significant difference in the lives of others. His dedication to helping those less fortunate exemplifies the true spiHt of kindness and generosity, inspiring others to follow in his footsteps and make a positive impact in their communities.
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