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Aapka Apna Club3
Sector 128 Noida

Aapka Apna Club3

Aah, that wonderful piece of concrete which stands for a club in our Wishtown! Strangely, it’s called Club3 when there are no club 1 or 2. It has great potential to run but lacks general man-
agement. I had written about how shabby it looked and problems in managing it as explained to me by its previous manager Mr. Bhardwaj.

Club3 is not allowed to put up flyers/ posters in towers to make residents aware what they can expect from their very own club which permits anyone from Wishtown. The café does not make enough to make necessary renovations.

An oil-stained wall behind the cash counter looks ugly, to say the least. The ACs need servicing, fans work only full speed. Despite the recent change in the Club3 management, nothing seems to work in a manner to attract residents to come and dine or order home deliveries.

Kitchen is one of the pivots around which a club rolls. In Club3, the food tastes good but there are not enough orders to make it feasible to run. Manager Raman and his assistant Saurabh work hard to get it going but their resources are limited.

When asked what will increase its footfall, they say the authorities including FMG and AOA should help in publicizing its food and services. There is a valid apprehension that the footfall may decrease further when Club1 in its vicinity comes up in 2-3 months.

They feel two factors will attract diners to the upcoming club in KT. One, it will be new, and everyone will want to see its facilities, residents and KT association permitting. Two, the pool, kitchen, gym, children’s corner and lawns may be more lucrative.

If that happens, then the fate of Club3 will be in doldrums. Some fancy discounts and more professional approach in running it is warranted especially if the club in offing does not permit its co-residents and our Club3 must fend for itself against all existing odds.

by Dinesh Kapoor (PH-1, 9810020179)
