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A Riot of Colours in Kailash Dham
Sector 50 A-E

A Riot of Colours in Kailash Dham

The residents of Kailash Dham apartments are in awe of this year’s bloom. On a lighter note, it can be compared to the old Onida TV ad “Neighbours’ envy, Owner’s pride.”

Recently, a friend from another apartment complimented the flowers blooming near the entrance of Kailash Dham, we encouraged him to step inside Kailash Dham. Upon seeing the blooms of vivid colours, the friend was amazed and awestruck.

Many residents have been regularly soaking in the beauty and sweet smell of the flowers, knowing that it will only last for a few weeks. The horticulture team has broken all previous records in creating this magical display of nature. The gardeners, led by Ajay and his team, have put in a tremendous amount of hard work to make this possible. The residents are grateful to all the staff at Kailash Dham for supporting initiatives to make the community living better. With the arrival of spring, the residents eagerly anticipate the abundance of colours that nature will bring.

by Mohita Bhansali (905/3, Kailash Dham, Sector-50)
