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A Personal Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman Yojana

A Personal Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman Yojana

With the launch of the PM Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman Yojana, it is time we got fired too, and launched one of our own. There are so many skills that our mothers have passed onto us like cooking, knitting, tatting and embroidery. What with the hectic pace of life that included juggling a career, running a home, rearing offspring and keeping up with technology, lest we be relegated to dinosaurs, many of these happy and productive hobbies got buried in the recesses of our minds.

Knitting conjures up images of a relaxed, peaceful activity, punctuated by the productive clicking of needles and often interspersed with conversation and laughter. I can visualise my mother and aunts, spinning the yarn into smart sweaters, gloves, scarves, booties and baby blankets etc. It was not surprising that the warmth exuded by these woollens was enhanced by the love and care of the ladies putting them together.

It is indeed wondrous and satisfying to see something take shape out of a ball of soft, fluffy wool as it slips through the fingers and forms a pattern. While keeping the hands, eyes and mind engaged, knitting is a very soothing exercise in that it keeps you focused in a tranquil manner. There is no deadline as you calmly infuse energy and good chi into your creations.

While we were discussing these oft-forgotten crafts, a younger member of the Editorial Board piped up and said she knew of some Aunties who had formed a knitting club. Although I daresay I would be loath to be clubbed with “aunties”, who are brought out on special family occasions like weddings, I would happily admit that I too am a knitting aficionado.

Mindful, everyday activities by virtue of being repetitive and unhurried, are meditative too and infuse a calm solidarity into our chaotic and often frenzied lives.

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