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A Mother is a Walking Miracle
Sector 40 & 41 Noida

A Mother is a Walking Miracle

God couldn’t be everywhere so he made mothers and angels couldn’t be everywhere so he made neighbours.

A short and sweet Mother’ s Day celebration took place in G- block. In order to beat the heat of oven hot weather a refreshing chilled aam pana was served to the guests. During the party, all the ladies had a great time chatting and sharing recipes with each other. All mothers were in good mood as they had been highly pampered by their children at home. After a short interaction among themselves, all the colourful females enjoyed scrumptious snacks served to them. As a token of love and honor, a beautiful handmade soap was presented to all the beautiful mothers by the hostess, Seema Ji. All the ladies were extremely touched by this kind gesture of Seema ji. We hope to celebrate many such happy occasions together with our neighbours, after all neighbours are our extended families.

by Shreen Vardhan Sharma (G 38, 9871800577)
