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A Green Restorative Drive
Defence Colony

A Green Restorative Drive

I have been seeing with interest and reading articles on greenery, forestation, tree plantations, replants and implants. All this gyaan came to practical use through A BLOCK RWA initiative.

Recently, a neem tree in our Club premises fell flat during the incessant downpour. It took the railings along, causing a lot of damage.

As I usually walk around the Club before going to my office, I took a closer look and observed that some roots were still intact. It struck that may be the tree can be salvaged. I felt that may be taking a chance we might be able to revive the tree. Besides with the onset of rainy season the survival and regrowth chances were high.

Soon I established contact with the Horticulture Department (ANUJ square) SO Anuj (Official) and our own ready to help Anuj Bakshi. Promptly they arrived with the horticulture staff and with their green operation running a couple of hours, helped in replanting the tree. Post its resurrection a great sense of pride and achievement has crept in the RWA. It’s a feeling of joy on achieving something deemed dead but reviving it to life. Hope the tree survives and blooms again
