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A Compost Pit, Not a Dumping Ground
Sector 50 A-E

A Compost Pit, Not a Dumping Ground

It needs proper upkeep!

On a recent visit to the Central Park of our Sector-50, I had a look at the compost pit, and that’s exactly what it looks like, “a pit”. Ever since it’s been built or rather dug, there has been zero publicity or awareness of its existence. I am sure if we do a survey in our sector, 90% people wouldn’t even know what it is.

Many residents do send their compostable waste here, but it gets dumped along with the plastic bag that it comes in. Similarly, there is no board explaining about this “black gold” and how it’s made or any effort to make it too.

Giving a few suggestions, in my most humble opinion, to our RWA/ Authority:

• We can put up a board letting people know that it’s a compost pit, not a dumping ground.

• We can advise gardeners to upkeep the pit; start fresh batch of composting for the residents to see.

• We can start collecting flowers and leaves from the Mandir in the community centre premises and likewise encourage residents to send their Puja flowers for composting. When people will see some action, it would inspire others to join in too.

• I think we need to have a more inclusive society – there are so many skilled knowledgeable people in our sector who know so much about plants and gardening; we can start a club, include them in waste management activities.

• Slightly deviating from my topic, I think overall we need to have social events that would give people the opportunity to come together and celebrate life as a whole.

We have so many parks, a beautiful community centre. All we need is volunteers and a push!
