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Sector 100 Noida

A Community’s Responsibility: Safeguarding Girls in the Wake of the Kolkata Incident

The Kolkata rape case has reignited the concerns over girl’s safety in public and private spaces. Different voices from Lotus Boulevard emphasize the need for a multifaceted approach to protect young girls.

By talking to the doctors, we realize how frightened they are to hear about a fellow doctor being assaulted in her workplace. This makes it hard for many of them to even think about going to work. Doctors, not just in Boulevard but all over India, are upset regarding the disrespect they receive from the citizens; female doctors are worried about the safety ensured by their workplaces.

LB teachers believe education is the key which can change our nation and make it a safe place for women. A 12th grade English teacher says, “We need to introduce safety and consent education in schools, educating children with knowledge about their rights. Sex education is also a need, especially in backward areas where sex is considered a taboo. It is important to educate men not to rape rather than telling women not to get raped!”

Children, meanwhile, express their fears. Pihu, a 15-year-old student, shares, “I feel unsafe walking alone in the society. I keep looking whether someone is following me or not. After hearing about the Kolkata rape case, I am more afraid of playing in the parks or going to my tuition alone. The thought that some men are capable of doing unspeakable things to me is frightening.”

Senior citizens call for social values and a return to communal responsibility. An elderly resident I spoke to says, “We must raise boys to respect girls from a young age, both in schools and at homes.”

A girl’s safety is everyone’s responsibility, demanding action from every corner of the society.
