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A Clarification- Undue Harassment Page 10 of Oct. Edition!
Greater Kailash 1

A Clarification- Undue Harassment Page 10 of Oct. Edition!

In the last month’s edition, a complaint received from a resident of S Block was published under the heading-”Harassment caused by the builder Mafia”. The problem raised by the resident was, that a builder got shifted an electric pole in front of his building, to in front of the complaint’s house without any permissions.

The concerned builder raised the issue with samvada team. A fact check was done & it was found that due permissions were taken & the job was carried out by BSES & the subject pole was well within the boundary of builder’s house.

We at Samvada trust the reports submitted by residents & expect that frivolous complaints should not be reported just to settle some personal issues.

The enclosed photo will clarify the position.
