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Vasant Vihar Welfare Association Holds Annual General Body Meeting
Vasant Vihar

Vasant Vihar Welfare Association Holds Annual General Body Meeting

The 53rd Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of the Association was held at the Aravali Auditorium, Kalyan Kendra, on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

Before taking up the agenda, the house observed two minutes of silence in the memory of the members who had left for their heavenly abode during the year 2023-2024. Thereafter, Mridula Murgai, Director Administration, addressed the house highlighting the achievements and the difficulties being faced by VVWA.

She paid special tribute to Mr. K.C. Varughese for his 30 years of service to the Society and VVWA. Due to ill health, he could not be present at the AGM. However, a tribute was paid to his many years of dedicated service.

She concluded her address by highlighting that the current VVWA team has been elected twice unopposed and stressed the importance of unity and cooperation among members.

Gurpreet Bindra, President VVWA, called for the acceptance of the Annual Report of the Association for the year 2023-2024, which had been circulated to all members. It was confirmed as being read and passed by the members.

Sarvesh Dutt, Director Finance and K.K. Garg, Vice President VVWA, presented the financial statements for the year 2023-2024, addressing key financial matters.

Vivek Tandon raised the following issues:

– What was holding up the payment to be made to the E block Mali for the services rendered by him and the present position thereof.

– Details of the amount received towards CSR funding and the amount spent on repairs and maintenance for public utility.

After detailed discussion and the clarifications given by K.K. Garg and Sarvesh Dutt the Audited Accounts and the Audited Report for the year 2023-2024 were duly adopted by the General Body.

Thereafter an open session followed moderated by Parul Gaur, Director Operations. The following issues were raised by the members of the General Body:

 Deteriorating conditions of local markets in the colony

– Waste management and closure of Dahlaos

– Security issues including concerns over closure of entry/exit points to the colony at night time

– Concerns over school traffic

– Erratic water supply by Jal Board

– Measures to control illegal encroachments

– Necessity to have Builders code

– Non maintenance of parks and poor condition of back lanes

– Cow menace and so on.

Several members were of the opinion that the annual subscription being charged was too less as compared to the neighborhood colonies. They proposed the annual subscription be raised from Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 5000/- per annum. This was adopted unanimously as a “Sense of the House”.

Puneet Kapur suggested that efforts be made to make all the people residing in Vasant Vihar members of the Association.

There was a general consensus that there should be only one central agency i.e. VVWA.

Present on the occasion were Deepak Mishra, President of the Society and the three past Presidents of VVWA, Romi Chopra, Gautam Vohra, and Deepa Kapur. Deepak Mishra said that he was enthralled by the enthusiasm and participation of the members of the General Body.

Bindra expressed gratitude to members for their trust in VVWA and emphasized the importance of collaboration with the society and the club. He acknowledged the challenges posed by defamatory messages and ongoing court cases, advocating for dialogue as a resolution method.
