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Independence Day Celebration In Anand Lok A Grand Success
Vasant Kunj

Independence Day Celebration In Anand Lok A Grand Success

On August 15th, our community came together to celebrate the 77th Independence Day with immense pride, joy, and enthusiasm. The event, which started promptly at 8:30 AM at Park No. 1, turned out to be a grand success, filled with activities that fostered unity, fun, and a deep sense of patriotism.

The day kicked off with an exciting football match organized by Mr. Vineet Kathuria, setting an energetic tone for the rest of the celebrations. Cheers echoed from the sidelines as residents participated with full spirit. The sky then came alive with colorful kites during the kite-flying event, masterfully arranged by Ms Kamayani Jalaan, as families enjoyed the sight of kites soaring, symbolizing our freedom.

One of the highlights was the flag hoisting ceremony, followed by the National Anthem, which brought everyone together in a solemn yet proud moment of reflection. Children, motivated by Mr. Pradeep Batra and Ms Veena Batra, recited beautiful poems that echoed the sentiments of patriotism and unity. The poem recitations provided young talents an opportunity to shine. All the beautiful artwork of children during the painting competition was showcased during the event.

The day concluded with awards and felicitations, honoring the children for their artistic and poetic contributions. As the festivities wound down, residents enjoyed a warm cup of tea and chaach and the refreshments, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Praveen Aggarwal, Ms Neetu Sharma, Ms Mira Shivram, and Ms Rama Aunty, while engaging in lively conversations.

A special thank you to the Rotary Club of Delhi Midwest for joining the event and providing delicious delicacies. The celebration truly embodied the spirit of community, patriotism, and togetherness.

Jai Hind!
