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‘Pankh-Wings To Fly’ Celebrated Independence Day with Heartwarming Performances
Sector 50 F Block

‘Pankh-Wings To Fly’ Celebrated Independence Day with Heartwarming Performances

On 15 August, ‘Pankh-Wings To Fly’ — a heartfelt initiative dedicated to teaching underprivileged children — celebrated Independence Day with a special program in Amphitheater of Meghdutam Park. The event attended by the children’s parents, who work in the park, was a touching tribute to the spirit of freedom and education.

The celebration featured performances by the children, who presented patriotic songs, dances and a speech about India’s struggle for independence. The enthusiasm and talent of the young performers brought smiles to the faces of their proud parents, who cheered them on with joy and pride.

Namrata Tiwari, the founder of Pankh-Wings To Fly, expressed happiness at the success of the event and the progress the children have made. “These children are the future of our nation and seeing them embrace the spirit of Independence Day with such enthusiasm is truly heartwarming,” she said. The event concluded with the distribution of sweets and a small token of appreciation for the parents, acknowledging their hard work and support for their children’s education.
