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Silver Dreamers Cyclothon

Silver Dreamers Cyclothon

As a part of the community building event, another activity was initiated to bring together residents and build sweet everlasting memories on Saturday, 24th August, 2024. Twenty Eight participants, full of energy and zeal, opted for either 20 kms or 10 kms cyclothon in the age group of 8 years to 73 years. Many residents from Silver Oaks came forward to volunteer and also provided tea and snacks at the finishing line.. a true spirit of the community living. TILT, a shared cycle service provider that provides shared bicycles inside the premium apartment complexes for fun and fitness, came forward not only to provide extra cycles for the event but also ensured that their technical person was present there to handle any issues.

DLF, once again, provided their riders to ensure the safety of our participants. MCG, as always, helped us to ensure a clean route for our cyclists.

It was ensured that members did practice sessions before the actual event to build up strength and stamina. One of the senior most participants cycled after almost 40 years for the event. The youngest child attended practice session(s) which gave confidence to his mother that he could do 10 kms cycling on the road. The excitement and overwhelming response gave us the strength to minutely plan every detail, finalising and
practice the routes, organising cycles for each interested participant, coordinating with authorities, ensuring medical support if required, briefing the volunteers.. helping people in getting their cycles serviced/repaired which were parked and not used for years. Everyone enjoyed their achievement and were happy to be part of the cyclothon. A lot of positive feedbacks were received from the residents. They appreciated how the event was executed and the memorable experiences they gained.   
