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“13 Booked For Life” – A Book Club in Nirvana
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“13 Booked For Life” – A Book Club in Nirvana

In solitude I found you! 

It all started with a message in the Nirvana women’s group posted in 2019. This brought together book bugs who wanted to clean their mental closets. The number of members finally stood at the unlucky 13. It crossed most members’ minds that one less would be luckier. However, with all bookworms and no goats we stuck at 13. Glued enough to last five years!

Ground rules were set like regularity, cancellation of membership upon three subsequent absences and reading all selected books irrespective of genres.

So, with some cribbing, misgivings and complaints, we gradually realised that these very rules kept us going as a book club.

Democratic book selection, extensive discussion on selected books and rating it in the end is generally how we go about it.

Drama, comedy, romance, suspense, classical or modern – we have done at all. The book club plans a trip to Jaipur Literary Fest every year with a lot of bonhomie. This keeps us academically relevant and broadens our perspective.

To date, we have read 69 books and are still going strong. Alas, too sick with the bug to loiter out!!

“May you never be in want of a book or a friend to discuss it with.”

P.S. Membership is only through reference by existing members, subject to approval by the group.
