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Green Your Neighbourhood @Hamlet
Sector 104 Noida

Green Your Neighbourhood @Hamlet

The Green Your Neighbourhood (GYN) initiative was born out of the collective sense of responsibility the citizens of Noida felt towards their surroundings in June 2024. The intent of the 1500 strong community is to increase the green cover of the city.

The citizen volunteers do not just undertake plantation as a one-time activity but care for the saplings in their surrounding area as an ongoing involvement. The Horticulture Team of Noida Authority is also a key stakeholder in this citizen government partnership.

The GYN saw many sectors take full advantage of the initiative; hundreds, in a few cases even thousands, of saplings from Noida Authority were planted in July 2024. Green as our Janpath is, we in Hamlet did feel more could be done to make it better and joined the initiative.

In the past few months of our involvement, we have undertaken a few ‘Care Drives’ that involve taking care of the saplings already planted, also plogging drives and a small plantation drive on Wednesday, 17 July.

We want to ensure our small GYN tribe engenders a sense of responsibility amongst Hamletians for our beautiful green thoroughfare – Janpath, and we do more to keep it Clean and Green.

The GYN group meets on Saturdays at 7 AM, ATS One Hamlet Gate 2: Hope to see you there!
