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Baarish ki Boonde
Sector 92 & 93B

Baarish ki Boonde

The first day of monsoon is nothing short of magical. As the skies darken and the first droplets begin to fall, there’s a palpable sense of excitement and renewal in the air.

For many, this day marks a refreshing change that brings with it a welcome relief from the scorching heat of summer.

As the rain pours down, it washes away the dust and grime that have accumulated over the months. The earth, once parched, breathes a sigh of relief and the aroma of wet soil fills the air, offering a nostalgic and comforting scent.

The scene in Grand Omaxe, as shown in the pictures clicked by Advaita Vijan (Lincoln C 304, Grand Omaxe; Sector-93B) is no different these days during monsoon, as people of all ages come outside their homes to experience this natural spectacle. Children, in particular, revel in the joy of splashing through puddles, their laughter ringing out in pure delight. It’s a sight to behold! The park in the society looks simply amazing and so lively.

The first day of monsoon is also a time for communities to come together. Street vendors offer piping hot snacks like bhajis and pakoras, perfect for a rainy day. Conversations are often filled with shared anticipation of the cooler days ahead and the promise of lush, green landscapes.

 It is a celebration of nature’s rhythms and a reminder of the joy that simple, everyday moments can bring — a day that invites us to pause, appreciate the beauty of the world around us, and embrace the fresh start that the rain symbolizes.

(Pictures courtesy Advaita Vijan; studying in Class 10th, Shriram Millennium School)
