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Annual Sports Festival in Morpheus
Sector 50 A-E

Annual Sports Festival in Morpheus

The annual Mahagun Morpheus Sport festival named “Sportavaganza 24” was back in action over the weekends of July and August. The four-day festival saw an eclectic mix of sports and games being played by all age groups. The sports committee appointed by the EC did a commendable job of organizing and executing all events smoothly.

The swimming competition kicked off the festival with a splash. Swimmers of all ages and skill levels took to the pool, displaying remarkable enthusiasm and competitive spirit. Young boys and girls then took to the basketball court to battle out in a high energy game.

Fast-paced games like table tennis and foosball tested the agility and reflexes of the participants, providing thrilling entertainment for all. The chess tournament was a hit among both young and old, with participants showcasing their strategic prowess in intense, thought-provoking matches.

Cricket, always a favourite, was tailored to fit the small court in the society but nevertheless saw enthusiastic participation from residents. The matches were a delightful blend of competition and fun.

Various races, including lemon race, sack race, three-legged race, sprints added to the adrenaline rush, with participants pushing their limits to secure victory. All age groups from 4 yrs to 80 yrs participated in the races held in the central lawn. A special highlight of the festival was the senior citizen games like musical chair, golf putting, tambola ensuring that everyone had the chance to participate and enjoy.

It was delightful to see the sweaty and red but happy faces of participants after every event.  Refreshments were available during all events to keep the energy flow high. “Sportavaganza” at Morpheus was a resounding success, not only celebrating physical fitness and healthy competition but also strengthening bonds within society.
