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SLRWA Election Outcome
Sushant Lok 1

SLRWA Election Outcome

The elected members of the different wards of SLRWA elections were to form the governing body for which the following members were nominees-

Ward No.     Name                  Post

15            Rajiv Tewari              President

21            Deepak Verma         President

22            Dr. A.K. Nagpal        President

12            J.B. Dewan              Vice President

24            S. Yadav                  Vice President

13            Ashok Dalwani        General Secretary

10            Sudha Tiwari           General Secretary

17            Sujata Gaur             Asst Gen Secy

27            U. K. Sharma           Asst Gen Secy

11            Sanjay Tandon        Treasurer

23+          Sanjay Gupta          Treasurer

The document was served by Col. Sant Pal Singh (Retd.), who served as Administrator cum Returning Officer.

The final list of the elected Governing Body came on June 14th 2024, in which a few names were withdrawn. The result was announced on 16th June where Mr. Deepak Verma, Mr. J.B. Dewan, and Mr. Sanjay Tandon were declared winners, Mrs. Sujata Gaur and Mr. Ashok Dalwani were elected unanimously.

The final Governing Body team of SLRWA presented thus:

Deepak Verma as the President

Jagat Dewan as Vice President

Ashok Dalwani as General Secretary

Sujata Gaur as Joint Secretary and

Sanjay Tandon as Treasurer

Residents of Sushant Lok were happy, a big round of applause was around as they commenced complaining to the elected, along with their grievances, best wishes, and advice/ suggestions, for the newly elected governing body of SLRWA. Back to the Normal! Mr. Deepak Verma’s thanks followed soon after as he took charge and proceeded as usual.

Hope they will find a solution to uplift the Sushant Lok and keep it that way; in the near future, it seems a difficult sailing but if the captain is courageous, the journey will be accomplished.
