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Cervical Cancer Awareness

Cervical Cancer Awareness

An enlightening and explanative session was held at Bachpanshaala by Pierra Sethi, a volunteer and a 12th grade student of Shriram School, on June 11 on cervical cancer awareness for girls and women aged 10-40 years from underprivileged background. This session was free for all and focused particularly on educating participants about causes, symptoms, prevention, and importance of HPV vaccine. As per the study the survival rate of HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccine is 91% from cancer, if detected at stage 1 or 2, but if it exceeds and is detected later, then the survival rate comes down to 59%. Any unfamiliar symptom detected in body cannot be ignored or left unattended before it becomes severe. This vaccine is in the form of intermuscular injection at a price of RS 1700 per shot, 2 shots at an interval of 6-8 months, or as recommended by the doctor. Also in the pipeline is a free camp for HPV vaccination to all eligible girls and women of Bachpanshaala in the month of August 2024.  There were about 50 attendees who were highly engaged asking numerous questions, sharing their personal cancer experiences which fostered the supportive community atmosphere. To conclude sanitary napkins were distributed to promote menstrual hygiene and women’s health. This session was a success, marked by active participation, exchanges and a strong commitment to spread Cervical Cancer Awareness.
