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New Friends Colony

Calf Struck by an Absolute Negligent Auto-Rickshaw Driver

Accidents involving animals are not uncommon occurrences in various parts of our colony, often resulting in injuries and fatalities to both the animals and humans involved. One such incident that really highlighted the need for increased awareness and caution was when a calf was struck by a negligent auto-rickshaw driver on CV Raman Marg in the wee hours of the morning about 5.30 am. After having hit the calf, the auto driver did not even stop to see the extent of injury to the calf. Three morning walkers who just got out of Gate BC-8, saw the gory act and tried to help the calf back to its feet. Since the auto sped away, it was not possible to make a note of its ‘registration number’. Though the calf seemed quite hurt, she came to its feet but after a few minutes it seemed certain that it had a fractured front right leg. Still the morning walkers with the help of scooterists and other people on the road managed to get the calf to a safe spot and let it sit there. The next few hours were spent calling up NGO’s etc. in an attempt to get some treatment and safe environment for the injured calf. One of the three walkers (Malini Khatri of B-530 NFC) ensured that someone from the NGO, GYAN FOUNDATION come and arrange a rescue ambulance for the calf so that it gets the much needed treatment. It took her the whole day to the needful !!

In the menawhile, the security guard stationed outside the Cleeners (Dry Cleaners) lended the much needed support and continued to try and quench the thirst of the calf by filling up a bucket of water and placing it in front of the calf as she could not walk. He even offered to the calf his lunch which was ‘poori and chole’. Seeing that, others offered to the calf biscuits etc. In the end, the calf got the treatment and we hope that she is on the path to recovery !!

This unfortunate event sheds light on the importance of road safety, animal protection, and the consequences of negligence on our roads. In our colony where auto rickshaws are a common mode of transportation, encounters with livestock on roads are not rare. Cattle, including calves, often roam freely, crossing roads without warning and exposing themselves to the risk of collisions with vehicles. Hence, we need to exercise safety whilst driving and also whilst being driven.
