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North India Sizzling
Panchshila Park

North India Sizzling

The current heatwave gripping Delhi has intensified with temperatures soaring well above average for this time of the year. As the summer months progress, the city is experiencing scorching heat waves with temperatures frequently exceeding 45 degrees. This prolonged period of intense heat poses significant challenges to residents, infrastructure and public health. The impact of the heatwave extends beyond mere discomfort, affecting vulnerable populations such as the elderly children and outdoor workers. Hospitals and emergency workers are on high alert providing care and advice to those affected by heatstroke, dehydration and other heart related ailments. The El-Nino effect has disrupted normal weather patterns and has widespread implications for global climate systems. The heatwave is exacerbated by several factors including urbanization, concrete structures and limited green spaces. Planting more trees strategically in urban areas can mitigate heatwaves by providing shade, cooling the air through evapotranspiration and reducing urban heat island effect. Community engagement and government initiatives can promote tree planting campaigns, establish green corridors and incorporate trees into urban planning. Water coolers and dispensers have been installed in the Club by the Society. Maintaining trees through regular watering, pruning and protecting against pests and diseases will have long-term benefits in combating heatwaves and improving overall urban environmental quality. We should conserve water which is very crucial for environmental conservation and resource management. Start by fixing leaks in faucets and pipes, wash cars with water in buckets, install water efficient fixtures like low flow showerheads and dual flush toilets. Collect rain water for garden use and water plants early morning or late evening to minimize evaporation. Consider using drought resistant plants in landscaping. By adopting these practices, we can conserve water and protect this vital resource. Due to such high temperatures, number of fire cases have risen in Delhi. Let us all be kind to people, animals and the environment in these tough times.
