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Panchshila Park

Power Outages

The scorching summer has accelerated a critical issue: load shedding. As temperatures soar, the demand for electricity spikes overwhelming the city’s infrastructure. This strain often leads to power outages or load shedding as a measure to prevent complete system failures and ensure grid stability. There had been a short circuit in one of the cables in s Block due to which residents faced outage for a long time. The grids in Shivalik, Shahpur Jat, Saomi Nagar are also facing overload which keeps the linesmen on their toes. Sometimes they have to transfer the load and on other they have to shed load. The rising temperature causes the air conditioners, fans and other cooling devices operate at maximum capacity throughout the day and night placing immense pressure on the electrical grid. The high demand coupled with ageing infrastructure and transmission losses exacerbates the likelihood of power cuts. Efforts to mitigate these challenges include infrastructure upgrades and increased generation capacity. However the problem will persist due to the rapid urbanization which continually strains the existing infrastructure beyond its designed capacity.
