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Meet Sagar Singh Rajpal of D Block to Claim the Randonneur 10,000
Sector 26 Noida

Meet Sagar Singh Rajpal of D Block to Claim the Randonneur 10,000

On the fast track

We are pleased to announce that our super Randonneur, Meet Sagar Singh Rajpal, is back with more exciting news! He has qualified to claim the title of Randonneur 10,000, the highest award!

Randonneuring is long-distance endurance cycling with rides of 200, 300, 400, 600, and 1000 km called Brevets de Randonneurs Mondiaux (BRMs). The Randonneur 10000, introduced by Audax Club Parisien 50 years after the Randonneur 5000, is the highest award for the Randonneurs who have completed 10000 km in the ACP events. There are only seven R-10000s in India to date. With the last 300 BRM, Meet has now qualified and applied for this award, completing it in two years from the six years of allowed duration.

 37- year old Meet is working with BHEL and stays at D-132A with his parents, wife, and two young daughters. What makes Meet’s journey so interesting is that he got into Randonneuring when he started cycling to give his toddler company on her tricycle!
