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“Mass Marriages” – Organized by Budh Sabha, NFC
New Friends Colony

“Mass Marriages” – Organized by Budh Sabha, NFC

Keeping up with the more than 30 years old tradition, ‘Budh Sabha’ New Friends Colony, along with Mrs. Bela Verma (9811431078) graciously organized with full pomp and show an absolute mesmerizing function of the “marriage of 5 young couples” on 19.04.2024. An impressive ceremony was performed at “Mata Mandir” with all religious rituals. Belaji, along with all others members of the Budh Sabha, left no stone unturned and did their best till the end. The most important thing and factor, was not overlooked, and the antecedents of the couples desirous of getting married were verified before match making. Even after their marriages were solemnized, regular visits are made by members of the Sabha to look after the welfare of all newlyweds. All expenses for the marriage ceremony and the other related expenses were/are met by donations received from members and other like-minded families from the colony and neighbourhood. The essential household items necessary to embark on their wedded life were also given. The near and dear relatives of brides and bridegrooms were invited. The occasion was graced with presence of nearly 125 ladies along by prominent people who blessed the couples. A sumptuous buffet lunch was enjoyed by all. Belaji,I on behalf of all Budh Sabha Members expresses her gratitude and extends the warmest thanks to the organisers, and also extends her cooperation and support for all future forthcoming events. For any queries contact Neelima Mohan (Mob: 9899709060, 7703988925)
