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Panchshila Park

Members Chose a Mixed Team in the Holiday Club Election

In continuation to my article ‘Let’s Vote Wisely’ in the March edition of Samvada the Holiday club elections were held this time on 21 April. A very short notice was given to the contesting teams and individuals. Some of them even complained about it saying that they were not given enough time to canvass and meet the members personally. But still there were 2/3 teams contesting and few individuals who did not leave any chance to canvass for their teams and individually too. Lots of pamphlets were sent, lots of calls were received to vote for the contesting individuals. Hot discussions were going on in the clubs, kitty parties, members’ houses, market corners, meetings and at get togethers.

Once again many promises were made, personal contacts were encouraged to call members to vote for their own contesting friends and family people to vote and elect their own contestants. The election procedure went out successfully and peacefully.

The best part of the election was that the voters did not vote for a specific party but voted for individuals and therefore the results were amazing. A mixed team has emerged. On behalf of resident members and team Samvada I congratulate the new team and wish them all the best for their future endeavors.

 The new managing committee members should fulfil their promises as the members have chosen them wisely and are hoping that they would not make the mistakes which came into notice of all and they use the public money wisely.

They need to keep in mind that people who have elected them have trusted their capabilities and focus on the changes which they had promised during their canvassing. Otherwise, their term will also end in the next two to four years. The club is a public property and the team is been elected to work for the members welfare & not to promote their own personal agenda. The trust which they have shown should be duly respected.

Many times it has been observed that whichever team is chosen will break the fixtures like the dining hall, the toilets, the swimming pool area to give it a new look or for a makeover without realizing whether it was actually required or not. They should try to do their best without coming into any controversies as everyone was shocked to see what happened during the EGM of the club on the 4th Feb ‘2024. This should never happen again.

The holiday club is a second home to all the residents of Panchsheel enclave. The team members should work with harmony for the development of the club and should not work for their own personal development and benefit. As today’s voter is vigilant and seeks results.

 The following have been declared elected to the executive committee Holiday club for the period 2024—2026:

 Chairman-Col Vinod Kumar Kapur; Vice Chairman- Dinesh Arora; Gen Secretary- Gaurav Bhardwaj; Treasurer- Sanjeev Chowdhary; Member- Vinod  Kumar Mahna; Member- Akash Mangal; Member- Gian Bansal & Member – Mrs. Vijay Ahlawat.

To welcome the winning team a get together was organized on Thursday, 25 April 2024. The new team was honoured and everyone enjoyed the delicious snacks with drinks and dinner.
