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Beautiful Balconies Of Windsor

Beautiful Balconies Of Windsor

Mekhla and Siddhant’s home on the 23rd floor of T Tower Windsor Court exudes warmth and a beautiful old world charm.

Siddhant is an avid gardener and has created a vibrant and welcoming home garden on the back balcony. Siddhant inherited the love for horticulture from his mother and, since a young age, has been passionate about his hobby. Gardening for him is like meditation-calming and peaceful-and he puts in 3 to 4 hours every week to grow and maintain his little green haven. The garden is a wonderful mix of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers. Homegrown mint, Chinese oranges, green chillies, and cherry tomatoes are used in the kitchen as part of some exciting recipes, while Nasturtiums, Petunias, Bougainvilleas, and Madhumaltis add colorful hues to the space. Mekhla and Siddhant collect seeds from their various travels, and seeds from their trips to Spain, Italy, and Munnar have found a loving home in their garden. Siddhant uses the peels of onions, bananas, etc. to create organic, homemade nutrients for the plants. Just like Nani and Dadi Ke Nuske, his home remedies definitely add that extra dollop of love and care to the greens. Siddhant feels that spillage of water to lower floors, limited space, and inconsistent sunlight can sometimes pose challenges in creating gardens in apartments, but these can be resolved effectively by proper planning and careful execution. I asked Siddhant the secret to his beautiful garden, and he replied with a smile, “Patience and perseverance are the main keys.” I would have to agree wholeheartedly. As they say, ” A garden is not just a place; it is a journey.”

This is our first article on the ‘Beautiful Balcony Blooms of Windsor”. Watch this space for more of these. We hope they will inspire you to create your own beautiful home or kitchen garden. Happy planting!
