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Spring Time- Time Of Awakening
Anand Niketan

Spring Time- Time Of Awakening

It’s a season in which we shed the layers of winters and embrace the outdoors. Parks and gardens become a haven for leisurely walks, strolls, picnics and basking in the beauty of nature’s transformation.

Colourful blooms carpet the earth announcing the arrival of warmth and vitality. Presence of flowers during the spring season have a great impact on humans. Blooming flowers not only offer visual beauty but also contribute to emotional well-being. The vibrant colours and delicate fragrance of spring bloom has been linked to mood enhancement and stress reduction.

NDMC has been organizing the Delhi Tulip festival where in Shantipath and the roundabouts of NDMC area greet you with colourful, vibrant and happy tulips.

This year our very own District Park also has a couple of rows of tulips opposite the monument.

Tulips embody the spirit of rejuvenation.

It symbolises resilience and the promise of brighter days ahead.
