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Hauz Khas Market Association Raises Concerns Over The Upkeep Of Market Area
Hauz Khas & SDA

Hauz Khas Market Association Raises Concerns Over The Upkeep Of Market Area

Neither The MCD nor  The Police has been able to resolve this issue for past few yrs. — In 2019 a few samaritans (shopkeepers, professionals & residents) prepared a detailed plan, complete with drawings & estimate, for *beautification* of this area. However, Corona & politics scuttled it. Later, economic issues & lack of interest on part of authorities was a concern. As of now the bare minimum that can be done without involving large funds: a) Raise & straighten the edge of the pavement to prevent 2-wheelers from climbing up. b) Place big cement planters on edge to beautify the pavement. c) At regular intervals place benches between the planters for pedestrians to sit. d) Fix decent looking garbage bins at appropriate places between the planters & benches. e) Provide ramps (protected by bollards) for pedestrians / customers to reach pavement. f) Shopkeepers should maintain the planters in front of their shops by donating water. — This way, beautification of pavement can be done in bare minimum cost & time. — Public participation can be encouraged by shopkeepers themselves providing planters & caring for them ( a design chosen from photos attached). — MCD can later replace the interlocking tiles with granite tiles when funds available.
