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Gulmohar DDA Park Illumination Of National Flag Needed
Hauz Khas & SDA

Gulmohar DDA Park Illumination Of National Flag Needed

A few days back I went for a walk to Gulmohar Park late in the evening. I was disappointed to see our National Flag in total darkness. Miscreants had turned the flood lights down to the base. 

Miscreants can easily stand on the railing around the National Flag and tamper with the 4 lights installed for illumination. In spite of our highly qualified engineers & landscape architects I found this to be faulty planning/design. Either the light poles should have been at least 4 feet away from the railing or 5 feet higher. Even the child in me would be tempted to climb onto the railing & turn direction of lights ;).

A complaint was lodged but nothing was done. The workers excuse was that direction has been set right many times but miscreants keep tampering. They did nothing. Then I myself climbed onto the railing and set the direction right. (Hopefully I will not be served a notice for tampering with Govt. property. Ha ha). Its over 2 weeks now and the lights are still ok.

Lighting in the park is poor thereby encouraging antisocial activities. Residents have complained about drug addicts.

Lights in the park are in a dilapidated state. Urgent repair and maintenance is required. Illumination needs to be improved.
