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Our Colony Guards
Defence Colony

Our Colony Guards

Let’s Keep Their Heads High by Giving them their Basic Requirements

Our Guards are the pride of our colony who are busy day and night in all seasons on the job around trying to keep us safe. The duty has no boundaries whether it is catching thieves, traffic management, Encroachment check or helping out in calamities like storms. They are omnipresent everywhere.

Yes, residents do care for them like distributing food, blankets or even contributing when a guard is in trouble. But still some sort of improvement is required to make them more comfortable.

These guards are allowed tea but they do not get it.

They do not have a place to change. Two shabby porta cabins are provided to change that are highly insufficient. We would request the head of RWA security committee to address these issues. Even though they are small in stature but they mean a lot to comfort our pride “The Guards”.

Let’s keep their heads high by giving them these basic requirements
