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Planet Sustainability, Our Responsibility
Sector 39 Noida

Planet Sustainability, Our Responsibility

To make this planet harmonious and best place to survive, it’s a collective responsibility of all inhabitants to make itself sustaining and better place to live.

With above objective in mind, a renowned NGO  undertook a step forward with workshops to celebrate international universal health coverage series in different sectors of Noida .

On Saturday, December 23, a workshop on hazardous waste management was conducted in sector 39 in collaboration with RWA. The target audiencewere domestic helpers. The session was conducted in D Block Park about the types of waste and how to segregate dry, wet and hazardous waste.

In the workshop, CEE told the domestic helpers about the harm caused to the environment by disposal of used sanitary pads during the pandemic;the benefits of using pads made of cloth instead of plastic sanitary pads. Nutrition for women was also explained -detailing various components of balanced diet. Quizzes and Q &A sessions were also done to check awareness about health and hygiene of maids.Later cloth pads and jute bags along with fruits were distributed to all the women who came for the training.

During this training, RWA President GS Sachdeva, Vice President Kuldeep Singh, Secretary Rahul Jain, E Block Member  Deepika Sarna, A Block Assistant Member Vinod Awana and NGO volunteer Ajit, Shweta, Muskaan and Priyanshu and yours faithfully were present on behalf of the NGO

The programme ended with a group photograph and round of thanks to all present.
