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Abandoned Vehicles Turning Into Garbage Bins
Sector 61 Noida

Abandoned Vehicles Turning Into Garbage Bins

Abandoned vehicles lying on the roadsides of our sector have grown exponentially over the period. Hardly there is any lane or road left where such orphaned vehicles are not parked. This menace is not limited to four wheelers only but extends its wings to two wheelers also which are parked in every nook and corner of the sector for many years. Perhaps, the residents upgrade their vehicles and leave the old ones on the roads to their fates without bothering for any responsibility about the disposal.

 No doubt, our sector is one of the most sought after sectors for residential purposes but this aspect paints a very shabby picture due to widespread presence of such abandoned vehicles. So far, these vehicles were acting as dust collectors only but now the scenario has further deteriorated. Doors of these vehicles are found open and window glasses are broken. These vehicles are full of stinking garbage inside which attracts the stray animals to further aggravate and raise the complexity of the issue. Unhygienic conditions created on the sector road sides are having direct bearing upon the health of residents. Moreover, these vehicles occupy a lot of useful precious space of the sector which is otherwise meant for greenbelt or footpath.

 This issue has been brought to light earlier also in various forums but the concerned authorities are still sleeping over it. It is high time to curb this growing menace; otherwise the day is not far off when roads of our sector will turn into scrap yards of old vehicles filled with garbage. The owners of such abandoned vehicles and RWA of the sector must get sensitized to the gravity of this issue and come forward to resolve this issue promptly and responsibly. 

1 Comment

  1. atul Mathur

    We have been reading about abandoned vehicles for long time in sec 61 , noida but no action . Then why we r raising this again & again when we can’t do anything about it.
