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DC(WA)Open House
Defence Colony

DC(WA)Open House

DC(WA)’s Open House meeting was held on 22nd Nov 23. at the DC(WA)Club lawns.

Residents continuously post grievances on various whatsapp groups and demand answers on Traffic, Security etc and self-proclaimed analysts give solutions and demand discussions in an open house by the RWA.

Therefore, on the demand of the residents an Open House was held on 22nd Nov on their request to discuss all the related issues. But as always in a colony of over 4000 residents hardly 20 residents including EC members came to raise their points.

The points discussed at the Open House related to Traffic, Security, Sanitation and Horticulture which were answered by the President and HGS.

With reference to Security and Traffic management, the deputy Chairman Security briefed the members on the steps taken by the Security committee on Security and Traffic Management.

The meeting ended with chai and pakoras, however the real purpose of holding such an open house can only be achieved if a sizeable number of residents participate or else the purpose is defeated without any results with such a low turnout.
