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AIKGA Updates Unit 39 & Unit 42

AIKGA Updates Unit 39 & Unit 42

Unit 39 held its monthly online meeting on 4 November at the Zoom platform. It was kept on a Saturday to encourage the working members to join and engage ininteraction and questionand-answer sessions. The topic for the month was Embracing Bio Enzymes: A chemical-free revolution. The speaker was Ila Sharma ji, convenor of Unit 39. Ila is well-versed in this topic. Bio Enzymes help in insect management, healthy foliage and healthier produce. Ila ji has shared the recipe for making Bio Enzymes numerous times with the members.

The offline meeting was held on 17th November and the speaker was Mr. Shell Jhamb. The topic was, ” Succulents and winter care for cactus”. He also gave a demonstration of the Tray Garden. Mr. Shell Jhamb is a known and trusted name in the world of succulents. He gave a detailed explanation of the care, watering, feeding and propagation of these beautiful plants which can thrive on limited water.

Unit 42 has been meeting outdoors at various locations. This time they met at a senior member, Mrs Promila Puri’s house on 24th November. The icing on the cake was the presence of Sukirta ji, who has been a powerful guiding force for the Kitchen Garden members. The speaker for the unit was yet again Ila Sharma ji. She spoke on Bulbous plants and how to prepare the garden for competition. It was a full house. All the members had a hearty discussion and gained useful tips from the very knowledgeable Ila ji. Promila ji who is fondly known as Poma ji showcased her kitchen garden and flowers. She has golden fingers and is reaping gold from the soil.
