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In Memory Of Our Dear Minnie Gupta
Vasant Vihar

In Memory Of Our Dear Minnie Gupta

Ms Minnie Gupta: 11th October 1934 – 10th
November 2023

November 10th 2023 dawned with the stunning and utterly distressing news of the demise of our dear Minnie Gupta ji, President, Arya Samaj, Vasant Vihar. Just the previous day, she had attended the havan in the morning and had later attended to her duties as President with unfailing sincerity. So it came as an absolute shock to the whole Arya Samaj family, leaving them grief stricken and shattered, when the news reached them that she had passed away even as she was getting ready to come for the havan.

Dear Minnie ji had a long and deep association of nearly a quarter century with Arya Samaj, Vasant Vihar, holding different posts in the Committee. At various times she was in charge of the running of the Anand Swami  Arya Primary School,  was the Vice President for two years and later, held the post of President from 2018 onwards. Whatever the role she was placed in, she performed yeoman service for the members of the Samaj and society at large.

It was under her leadership and guidance that the committee undertook a complete renovation of the Samaj building and the result-  the beautiful makeover-  is there for all of us to see. She was instrumental in getting the daily havan online both in the morning as well as evening. She was a very large hearted person, financially helping the Samaj by making huge generous donations. Minnie di especially encouraged and motivated the students of the Anand Swami Primary School to develop into all round personalities. With this in mind, she started and sponsored prizes for an annual Recitation and Declamation contest for students of all classes in Hindi as well as English. It was her earnest wish that people should attend and benefit from the different activities of the Arya Samaj.

Her sad demise has left behind a great vacuum which will be impossible to fill. The beautiful life she led, her joy- de- vivre, her never say die attitude will continue to inspire us all. May her soul rest in peace.
