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Dandiya Night At Hamilton

Dandiya Night At Hamilton

Dance is not only the language of the soul but also a dialogue without words. It’s an exchange, not merely of movements, but of stories, emotions and cultures.

When performed with passion, it touches our hearts, and when coupled with regeneration, it etches memories in time, impossible to forget.

With this joy in our hearts, the residents of Hamilton Court celebrated Dandiya Night on 21 October.

We witnessed morphing into a grand spectacle, a surreal and deeply transporting wave of emotions cascading from our very own Hamilton Ladies group, as they performed a Bollywood mashup and Dandiya with their mesmerising expressions.

With their radiant smile and powerful spin, the Senior members of the Society ignited the spark of divinity with their presentation of Garba and Dandiya Raas followed by mesmerising performances by our Little Champs.

The DJ and soulful music that followed thereafter, which one and all enjoyed on the dance floor leaving aside all feelings of negativity, doubt and inhibitions was the highlight of the evening.

Dance isn’t about perfect steps but the soul you put into those steps. And when the dance comes from the soul, like our Hamiltonian’s unbelievable performances, it has the power to resonate in our heartstrings, echoing long after the music has ceased.
