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GJCSCF Held Talk On Global Warming And Environmental Change
Gulmohar Park

GJCSCF Held Talk On Global Warming And Environmental Change

GJCSCF held a talk in its monthly meeting on 30th September at Gulmohar Centre 5PM onwards. After  welcome by President Y. Sahay, two minute silence was observed in memory of Mrs Ruby Guha the Vice President of  the forum who left for heavenly abode on 12 September 2023.

Mr. Y.Sahay added that her memories and contributions as founder member will always remain with us.

Next event of the day was the felicitation of Mr. S.P. Narula, a bonafide member of the forum by the management, for completing 85 successful years of his life. He was presented a stole by Mr. Amrit Sharma and a momento by President Mr. Y.Sahay, wishing him a long life ahead so that forum could felliciate him at the age of 100 years and more. He said “Today I on behalf of the forum members request him to share his expertise with us.”

Mr Umlesh  started  his talk from the history of the concept of global warming. He explained that Global warming is the phenomenon of gradual increase in the average temperature of the earth. It is caused by the release of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide, methane and CFC etc. Certain gasses in the atmosphere act like the glass of a greenhouse.Such gasses are called greenhouse gasses such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane. These gasses absorb the heat and redirect some of it back to earth raising surface temperature.

The President Mr Sahay informed that we all  forum members  are feeling proud for the achievements of  Mr.Umesh Sahdev who is an environmentalist, one of the moderator  and  co chairperson of Environment  Change Committee of PH Chamber of Commerce and Industry and acted as co chairperson  at  International Environmental Summit in Coimbatore  and delivered a talk on Greenhouse green hydrogen.

Talking about the history  and concept of Global Warming Mr U . Sadev informed in 1886 a Swedish scientist first mentioned that a change in atmospheric carbon dioxide could change the temperature of the earth. In1938 Gay Callendar connected carbon dioxide increases Earth’s temperature to Global warming. Though there were talk about global warming  in 1940 to  1960 but in 1980  it was observed that the global mean temperature curve started  increasing  steeply and global warming theory began to win.

Environmental NGO started to raise their voices for protection and prevent further Global warming.

 In 1988 it was finally accepted that the Climate was warmer than any period since 1980. The Greenhouse Effect Theory was named and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)was founded by the United Nations Programme and World Meteorological Organisation. This  organization tries to predict the impact of the Greenhouse effect according to the existing climate  module.

Causes of Global warming are electricity and heat, by burning fossil, Industrial growth, production,  food agriculture, cattle grazing, cutting of trees, too much construction etc.

Global warming could result in rise in temperature, frequent drought, heavier rainfall, climate change etc. It can be reduced by increasing biofuel, use of organic waste, safeguarding forests, use of renewable power resources and  green hydrogen empowering energy efficiency. It is not only the responsibility of nations, organizations , NGOs, Environmentalists but every human being on earth should try to reduce global temperature, maintain ecobalance for sustainable development growth if we want to give our coming generation a safe world and good health. All queries and questions were answered by Mr.Sadev. It was a very interesting and informative session.

The next event was release of book by Mr Indra Lal Saluja a prominent journalist and author, resident of Gulmohar Park D 40 who wrote a book on history of Urdu Shayari in Urdu named  “Musings of Urdu Masters” which was published in his lifetime. He also translated this book in English language but unfortunately it remained unpublished in  his lifetime. Now his son Subhsh Saluja published that book as a tribute to his father. Worthy son of worthy father. Mr Sahay released the book and congratulated Mr Subhash for his noble deed. It was applauded by all members.

A birthday gift was presented to all birthday boys and girls followed by the cutting of cake, tea with samosas and bread rolls. Everyone enjoyed the nice evening. Ladies group Malvika Krishna Dev, Shashi Sahdev, Pushpaji, Madhu Bhandari and Geetaji entertained all by presenting melodious filmy songs and punjabi songs during tea time.
