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Student–Teacher Felicitation Day
Sector 50 F Block

Student–Teacher Felicitation Day

Sunshine Society, an NGO for children and senior citizens, celebrated its annual “Student–Teacher Felicitation Day” on Tuesday, 5 September, at the Community Center in Sector 50. Teachers Day, an apt day to ensure that the teachers revel in the success of their children, was also special as Sunshine Society celebrated completion of 10 years of operations.

Sunshine Society is instrumental in providing education to more than 500 children belonging to the economically weaker households living in or near Noida. We not just provide basic school education to children but also hold after-school classes and excellence centers for the brighter students. Sector-50 Community Center is one such center, where more than 100 students come every day. Holding the post of Secretary, Archana Chaturvedi thanked Mul Chand Gupta (president RWA 50) for being generous in providing rooms at the center to hold classes.

On the occasion Vice President Ramita Taneja, though not in India currently, arranged for the funds to organise this event! Joint Secretary Meena Agarwal, the MC of the evening, took the audience through the 10-year journey of Sunshine Society.

Vinod Prakash Gupta, the back bone and the Executive member of Sunshine Society addressed the students and the teachers. He presented the “Anchal Puruskaar “ on the occasion for girl child who excels in academics. He believes that every child is special in his or her own way and thus should be well nurtured and taken care of. This year “Anchal Puruskaar” was given to our student Mahima Pal.

The team from Sector-93 Gejha center was well represented, and Nirupma and Rijita shared their experiences of running the Center for the past one and a half year.

Deepak Methi, member Sunshine Society and one of our major sponsors, addressed the students on the importance of earning for themselves and becoming self reliant.

On the occasion present were Archana Chaturvedi, Meena, J.L. Kapur, Mahender sir, K.L. Arora sir, Sunil, Vaishali, Sujata Tripathi, Nirupma, Rijita, Sunita Jain; and many other members and very esteemed senior citizens who have been associated with Sunshine Society and teaching at their study centers.

The programme was well attended by teachers, students, sponsors, parents and well-wishers where the students shared their experience being Sunshine students.

The parents of these students felt overwhelmed to witness their children climbing the ladder of success.

After an emotional yet joyful evening, snacks were distributed to all attendees.
