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DLF1, Sushant Lok 1

Prayushan Parva

By Karuna Jain (The Ivy)

Prayushan Parva or Das Lakshana is one of the most important annual holy event of the Jains, which is celebrated in the month of bhadrapada ( August/ September) every year. ‘PARYUSHAN  PARV’ means festival of self friendship and realization of the soul, of sacrifice, penance & endurance. Paryushan is a time for self-analysis and soul searching.  It also reminds us that life’s ultimate and highest aim is not the pursuit of materialism but the attainment of Nirvana. People fast during these 10 days according to their capacity, like some fast without even water , some only take water once a day and some eat a meagre meal once a day.

We think of Parasparo-pagraho Jivanam – all life is bound together by mutual support and interdependence. It comprises 10 basic virtues to be imbibed by every person.

  • Kshama – Forgiveness to all for wrongs done by them.
  • Mardav – Feeling of humility or tenderness and compassion,   
  • Aarjav – Complete straight forwardness. 
  • Satya – Complete Truthfulness, not only in words but also by your actions.
  • Shauch- Complete contentment in what you have, no greed for more.
  • Sanyam – Self restraint, to be cultivated to counteract the four passions (Kashayas) i.e., anger, pride, deceit and greed.
  • Tapa- Penance or austerity. The sense to vanquish the enemies of the soul,to purify your real self.
  • Tyaag- Supreme self restraint, abstain from pursuit of wealth, power and prosperity as sources of pride, desire and violence.
  • Akinchen – Supreme possession lessness. The realization that except my knowledge and perception nothing is mine.
  • Brahmacharya- Supreme celibacy to forgo all interest in  pleasures and meditate on divine wisdom.

Eleventh day we ask for forgiveness from all and everyone known to us for any action or words spoken by us, during the year.

Jainism is not a religion but a way of life. It preaches that we should not harm even the tiniest of living beings, thus the demand to stay the butchering of animals, at least for those ten days. I am glad that our government and officials have finally shown some sensitivity to this issue.
