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RWA Sector 40 Celebrated Independence Day 2023
Sector 40 & 41 Noida

RWA Sector 40 Celebrated Independence Day 2023

Like every year, RWA sector 40 celebrated Independence Day on 15th August at its community centre.  The function started sharp at 8 AM.  The flag hoisting was done by the chief guest, PK Mishra, IAS (Retd) after taking guard of honour. The national anthem was sung by all the residents present there.

Talented children of our sector presented mesmerizing performances in the form of dance, songs and poems on patriotic themes. Melodious singing performance was also given by Rajneesh Sharma and Naveen Chibber. RWA felicitated meritorious students with prizes and certificates for their academic excellence and other co- curricular activities.  Prizes were also given to the winners of painting and story writing competitions which were held amongst the sector children on August 13, 2023.

The chief guest Mr Mishra gave a very inspirational and motivating speech to the residents and the young children.  Ashok Sharma, president, RWA concluded the function with thanks giving speech.

Every year a low attendance is seen on Independence Day celebrations in the sector; may be because of the reason that RWA programme starts at 8 AM which clashes with the Independence Day celebrations timings at Red Fort which people hardly want to miss.  I personally feel that RWA should start this programme a little late, say around 10 AM, so that more and more residents can attend the programme and enjoy it.  I hope RWA will take note of my suggestion for next time. Jai Hind.
