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Dance Performances & Poetry At Silver Oak I-Day Celebrations

Dance Performances & Poetry At Silver Oak I-Day Celebrations

What is it that makes a person give up his life for his country? Surely it is love and a sense of gratitude for the Motherland. That beloved country is represented by a flag. It embodies the country and so holds pride of place in a person’s heart. Silver Oaks was bedecked in hundreds of flags on the eve of the 77th Independence Day. They were on every floor of each tower, atop the building and in the entire common area. Tri-colour lights, saffron, green and white adorned all the light poles.  

On the 15th of August, the flag hoisting ceremony was held, as usual, in front of the Community Centre. The staff had worked hard for two days to beautify the area with flowers, balloons and flags. President Gulshan Sharma took the salute from smartly dressed guards in ceremonial dress and unfurled the national flag. The national anthem was sung by all those present with great enthusiasm. 

Then the stage was taken over by Malti Sawhney, head of the Cultural Committee. Patriotic songs were sung by the sweet-voiced Snehi and the mellifluous Sanjeev Aggarwal, who also recited a poem written by former Prime Minister  Atal Bihari Vajpayee. 

Thereafter dance performances by the children of Silver Oaks were presented. The group dances were by children in the age groups of 2-3, 3-5 and 7-9. They were choreographed by Upasna. There were 3 solo dance performances too. All the residents who were present cheered and applauded the beautiful performances. Refreshment boxes were then given to all as the program ended.
