The Gulmohar Centre wore the colours of the Indian flag as it celebrated India’s 77th Independence Day. Like every year, the Centre saw a large turnout of members, their families and friends, thronging the venue, dressed in their best. The events of the day began with hoisting of the national flag, the collective voice of young and old singing the national anthem reverberating far and wide.
This was followed by a medley of patriotic songs performed by talented ladies from within Gulmohar Park, and a strong male voice. Ably put together by Nirupama Verma, the Convenor for Events at the Gulmohar Centre, the melodious forty five odd minutes saw a packed house appreciating the ebb and flow of the songs. The performers singing as one were Mala Thakur, Apoorva Thakur, Nirupama herself, Ruby Jain, Anubhuti Rana, Vinita Verma, Ruby Pandey, Anshupriya Prasad, Shashi Bhardwaj and Arun Singal, with young Girdhar on the harmonium. The music program ended on a dramatic note with children of Gulmohar Park coming on the stage singing along with the singers “nanha munna rahi hoon”.
Mr.Subhash Vasistha was at his eloquent best, as was Mr.I.C.Bhardwaj, Mrs.Indu Bhardwaj, and Mrs. Geeta Jha. The ground floor hall was decked up with tricolour leheriyas that gave it a festive look that complemented the patriotic flavour of the occasion.
Then it was time for the taste buds to have a good time. Aloo Puri, Raita and hot gulab jamuns were on offer and left every one licking his and her fingers, and going for second and even third helpings.
It was a celebration that’ll linger in our memory for a long time, for the community spirit that was on display but also the feeling of patriotism that shone through. The Gulmohar Centre’s management and staff deserve a special note of appreciation for organising the event so well, like they always do, leaving those who were part of it as participants and spectators happily wanting more.
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